Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just checking in...

Well, the holidays are fast-approaching! I think we're almost done with Christmas shopping, only a few more people to shop for, and then I have to hit the post office and get things mailed. I should probably do that pronto, huh? :)

Good thing I have the holidaze to distract me from being just over 2 weeks from my due date... I'm kind of at the point where I'm chomping at the bit! I don't dislike being pregnant, so much as I just want to meet this little man... what do you look like? What is your temperament? How big will you be?... and then of course I'm scared out of my brains about labor & delivery... how much will it hurt? how long will it last? When will it happen? AHH! I'm a planner, there are too many unknowns! And people wonder why I'm not sleeping...

I really would like to go sans epidural... we'll see. I have a flexible birth plan and will do whatever needs to be done. My mom had all 3 of us kids without one, and I feel that God blessed me with these hips for a reason, so I have to imagine that that reason is bearing children... right? HA! Anyways, we watched all our videos on labor & delivery and on the drugs available and we have a good understanding of which drugs are used when and for what and so we feel comfortable with our flexible birth plan. I would like to be up and moving around through most of the laboring, using gravity to my advantage, so I would prefer to not numb my midsection and not be able to get up and move around... among other reasons... we all have our reasons for all the decisions we make, especially during something as personal as child labor, so to each their own! And by being flexible, I hope that I'm able to enjoy the miracle.

Wow. I'm rambling. Today we had our 38 week OB appointment... all my stats are posted to the family blog. All is well in belly-land. :)

1 comment:

Sonal Modisette said...

wow!! you will be meeting your little guy soon - it's exciting. I had all three of mine without an epidural..if that is what you want, go for it but just leave yourself options :-) Thinking of you my friend...