Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm baa-aack!!! Time for a CHALLENGE!!

Okay! Well I don't get much time to myself these days as the momma of a toddler, but I want to start taking more time for me! And the best way for that is through exercise and challenges for myself!

So I just signed up to do the 200 Sit-Up Challenge through my work. Today I did the initial exhaustion test and did 63 "sit-ups" (note: when you go to the webpage you learn they really are crunches but you hold them at about 35 degrees for 1-2 seconds and then lower slowly). Not bad! So I'll start on Week 3 in Column 3. Hopefully I'll be at 200 in no-time. HA!

In addition to that, I purchased TurboFire(R) through before Christmas, so have been doing those workouts here and there when I can, so I want to commit to doing 4 of those workouts per week if I can. And then I also bought a Groupon to so I get 4 classes for a steal! So tonight I'm going to my first one! YEAH! Can't wait. I hope I get addicted. :)

More to come! Once I get my exercise challenges in sync I need to challenge myself to drink more water and eat more healthfully... It's hard for mommies to be healthy and take care of OURSELVES because we're so busy taking care of others! Time to focus on ME.

Back later gators!


Carmine said...

Good for you. Mommy time is hard to find, I agree, but you'll get there!

Can't wait to see the results from your sit-up test. You're better at fitness than I am!

Ally W said...

So glad your blog is back...and love the Alli/fitness focus to it!

You go girl :)