Last night it poured rain and gave our gardens and yard a nice saturation, thank you Mother Nature! So today I busted out the lawn mower (always an adventure for me to get that darned thing started) and took care of mowing the lawn, and then I checked out our veggie garden and to my surprise, I encountered the largest zucchini I have ever seen in my whole life. It's more like a large eggplant than a zucchini. Lisa just told me that you're supposed to harvest them at around 5 inches... this one's like a foot. OOPS! HA! I checked it on the weekend and it was maybe 5 inches but skinny, so I wanted to give it a little more time, but DANG! I gotta watch those squash carefully! Holy smokes! Take a look at this bad-boy!
Still in the garden:

Next to an average sized friend:

Anyways, like I said, not much going on... waiting for a friend to go into labor so we can meet her 3rd daughter, and looking forward to my upcoming birthday and my parents' visit in another week or so. :)
I was SO good about running nearly everyday last week, but this week I've been so focused on cleaning the house that I've run out of time both yesterday and today... tomorrow, I start fresh with a good early morning run while it's nice and cool and before the car exhaust takes over The Ranch.
Happy 36th Anniversary to my Mum & Dad! You're my heroes! :)
Holy Gigantic zucchini!~ That is so cool that YOU planted and grew that! Zucchini bread here you come!
Gotta watch those Zucchinni they get away on you over night sometimes!
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