Their first game was scheduled for 5:30pm on Saturday in Breckenridge, so we left here at just before 3pm and arrived to a rainy (very rainy) Summit County. The game in front of Ryan's was playing despite the rain, so Ryan got ready, but then the rain really picked up, so there was a rain delay from about 4:45 until 6:30 or so, which gave them a little time to rake the fields and move some of the standing water on them around to make them playable. At 6:30 the game resumed and Ryan's team started warming up. At 7:00 Ryan's team played its game and won! Yay! No drama. Then the original schedule was supposed to be Ryan's team's game at 5:30, then a game played by 2 other teams at 6:30, followed by the winner of the 5:30 game at 7:30 and the loser of the 5:30 game at 8:30. Well, as you can guess, with the rain delay, that all got jacked. Now, mind you, they had a hard-stop at 10pm because the lights on the field are on a TIMER and shut off at 10pm, period. No ifs ands or buts about it. Done at 10. So, Ryan's game ended at around 8:00 or so, and then the other game played until around 9:15, and finally they were going to play the game that was supposed to be at 7:30... however, clearly they didn't have an hour to play it. So the umps decided they'd play 35 minutes of 1-pitch-ball. That means that the game would go SUPER fast... awesome! We'd all be able to pack up our things and get to our cars before the lights in the entire complex shut off and it went pitch black! Oh, and side-note... the team they were playing were apparently a nemises team of ours?! Whatever. Anyways, so they played ONE INNING of the 1-pitch ball, and then the other team complained that the game on the south field was playing a regular format game, so the umps and captains huddled and decided to go for it. So as of the 2nd inning they played a regular game. WTF? Now it was 9:30 and we only had a half-hour to get in 40-45 mins of ball. Super. I was annoyed. So yeah, things were pretty heated between the two teams, the score would fluctuate with whichever team was at bat, was winning. So anyways, at 10:00, with a mere 4 minutes left in the game, the lights went out (surprise!) and though we were down by 4 runs, were up to bat next, so probably could have won it... so the umps said "this game will resume tomorrow morning at 7am"... um, excuse me? We didn't even plan to spend the night and here it is 10pm and we have to be ON THE FIELD playing at 7am? Time to get a hotel room. Anyways, so people were annoyed, the teams were tossing smack-talk back and forth, but whatever, it meant nothing to Ryan and me, so we left.
Here's a couple pictures from the Breck games on Saturday, hey, at least the scenery was gorgeous!:

We knew that 2 people on our 10-man-roster wouldn't be coming back for Sunday because of previous engagements, but we also knew that 2 people who weren't there Saturday, would be there for Sunday's game (which was originally for 1pm, a little different than heading up the hill for a 7am game from Denver...). No problem, right? So whatever, we went and got a hotel room at the Holiday Inn in Frisco for the softball tourney's discounted rate of $65 and were ready to crash and burn because we were so tired. Then, before going to bed, I called T-Bone (the gal captaining the team) just to make sure that Pat & Courtney would be able to make it in time for the 7am game, because if they weren't going to make it, then there was no point in getting up early and going out to the fields at 6:30am if we'd just end up forfeiting, right? Right.
So T-Bone answers, I ask about Pat & Courtney, she says yes, they're coming, but we're still 2 people short. ??? HUH? So I was like, wait, why? She said "because Eric and Kara aren't playing tomorrow", and I was like "yeah, I know, but that's why I called to check on Pat & Courtney, so 10 minus 2 plus 2 is still 10"... and there was a pause... and then she was like "Ohhh, you left right away, didn't you?" and I was like "yeah, why?" and she was like "Diane and DJ got ejected from the tournament"... HUH!!?!?!?! WHAT?!!!! These grown adults did WHAT?! So okay, apparently the other team was talking smack to Diane, so she was talking smack back, and DJ was putting their stuff away, in the dark, so he had his bat in his hand and went over to back up Diane, and the umps caught a glimpse of him holding the bat and talking smack and called it agressive and booted them from the entire tournament. FABULOUS. Fantastic. Nice work, people. Mind you, the rest of our team backs Diane up in saying that the other team "started it" (yes, we are back in grade-school) but the other team didn't receive any repercussions at all. Nice. Oh, and let's step back and talk about what pieces of work the people on the other team were... example: I was keeping score for our team and someone on their team hit a fly foul ball into the parking lot and you could hear it hit a car, and I joked "if that hit my car I'm comin' after you!" and the batter smirked but the TEAM CAPTAIN who was coaching 3rd base and was right by me, started talking smack to ME like I was serious, like "nope that's the risk of parking front row, you should know that if you know anything"... and I was dumbfounded... I gave him a "are you retarded?" look and then said "yeeaaah, I was kidding"... GOOD GRIEF! And that's just one example how their team was getting all up in our team's grill the whole game, and not just our team, but our fans, too! Sheesh! I love middle school antics.
Back to the ejection and team situation... so, now it's after 11pm and we're still 2 people short. T-bone is trying to call people in Denver to see if they'll fill in, and like 4 people on our team are like "let's just stand them up and take the forfeit"... so eventually Pat calls T-Bone and is like "I agree with the team"... HA! So at 12:30 we got a call from T-Bone saying "Don't show up for the 7am, we're taking the forfeit but we're not calling to tell anyone"... HAHAHA! So the other team showed up for the 7am game and we slept in until 10am. HA! Loves it. Best part of the whole thing. The best part was when their team captain called our 3rd basemen Ann at 7:10am and was like "thanks a lot for just not showing up!" and Ann was like "no problem, any time". HAHAHAHA! wow. Un-freaking-believeable.
So, I bet you think that was it, huh? You're naive.
So Sunday we slept in and it was a beautiful morning, we putzed around and eventually went to Subway for an early lunch at 11am, then to WalMart to get an umbrella because I'm sick of being caught in these afternoon deluges without one, and then back to the hotel to pack it up and head to the 1pm game.
So, we still only had 8 people, right? But one extra guy came up with Pat & Courtney from Denver to fill in for Eric, and then we grabbed a gal off of Ann's women's team (which WON the women's division!!) and voila, 10. Phew. So the 1pm game went great! We won it and were ready to play the 2pm game when the other team "challenged our roster". OMG are you KIDDING ME?! They decided that they didn't like our team and that they thought we were cheating by having new people on the team, and so they challenged the roster. But, it gets better. I mean, sure, 2 people weren't on our original roster, so that could have been bad anyways, but it turns out, that on Saturday, none of the umpires would TAKE our roster from T-Bone, and then she forgot to hand it in at the Dillon fields on Sunday morning, so our team didn't have an official roster on file, so DISQUALIFIED. Boom-bye, see-ya, Gone. OMG. Yup, that was it. Done.
I hope you're laughing. It took us a while to come around and laugh, but eventually, we were. Good GRAVY.
And here's a couple pics from Sunday's game in Dillon, again, just beautiful:

So that was Tournament Weekend Number Two. And guess what?! Despite my saying "we're never doing this again" on Saturday night to Ryan, on Sunday they invited him to do the Co-Ed tournament in Vail this weekend, so yeah! We're heading on up for Round 3, *DING*!
Vail, here come the Outlawas... are you ready for us? HA! :)
1 comment:
I CANNOT wait until the next installment. Good times!
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