So this past weekend I flew back for my best friend from high school, Becky's wedding!!! SO EXCITING! :) She looked absolutely gorgeous. Wow. Very simple, just like she is, but stunning. She was nervous about the make-up because she doesn't usually (ahem, EVER) wear any, but I think it just made her look fab. The wedding was held on Saturday afternoon at Ford Hill Farm in Sheffield, MA. Though it rained all weekend, Mother Nature took a little break Saturday afternoon to allow Beck & Keith to get married at their desired location outdoors in a beautiful field with wonderful views of the Berkshire mountains. Then they held their reception at a great BBQ restaurant! It was perfect. My date was our other good friend and soccer compadre, Sarah Peace... SO fun. Man did we laugh... good times! HA!
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy...
T Barry walking Becky in... yes, that's an antique fire engine... that's what the newlyweds made their arrival to the reception in, siren and all! HA!

Here's Beck & Keith getting married with the amazing natural backdrop

Here's the trio that played at the wedding, and the bathtub up on Ford Hill... I couldn't stop laughing... what the heck?!?! HAHAHA!

And here the 3 of us girls are at the reception

Here's a quality shot of what Beck and I looked like in most of my memories... you'll see a similar picture of she and I on facebook from when we were like 14! Ha!

In addition to the wedding on Saturday, I had a wonderful visit with my family the rest of the weekend. As soon as my mum passes along the pictures from our family cookout on Sunday, I'll post some of those too, assuming there are some fun/good ones :)
On a more somber note, say some prayers for Ryan and his family... His Dad had a bladder tumor removed yesterday and they are biopsying it this week to see if it's benign or malignant. We're obviously hoping for benign so that the surgery is the last of it, so pray for that good news. We're also waiting to hear from the neurologist on why Ryan's brother-in-law, Mike, is having seizures... he has an appointment today to follow up on an EEG amongst other tests, so we're hoping for some kind of determination on that front as well. Talk about a scary week on the Williams' side of things :(
Best to you all! (Wow, 2 blog posts in as many weeks... I'm cookin' with gas, now! Ha!)
How is Ryan's dad doing? I'll want updates soon...
Oh yeah, okay, good call, I'll do a shortie update on Randy... it's not good news. :(
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