Okay, so, I haven't been good about blogging of late... I have a good reason, and I'll get to that in a week or so... but anyways, in the meantime, my friend Ally over at All things Ally gave me the blogging friendship award?! Now, I think this is undeserved. I mean, I am SO bad at blogging, that you cannot just befriend me based on the meager blog I post out here every blue moon... but alas, I must have some bit of fun and entertainment in my notes when I do blog, enough so that people come back and check in when I do post something new, so I thank her and welcome the honor and now will do my best to pass it along to someone who I know TRULY deserves it... Carmine, at The Heilig Family Journey!
Carmine you are SO good about keeping us all up to date on your blog. You make sure to have new pictures and stories posted at least weekly, if not bi-weekly, and because checking blogs is one of my favorite things to do (especially when pictures are included), I have to say, you are the best! You can definitely get to know you by way of your blog, it's very much you and so I say that you really shine through as a wonderful mother, wife and friend on your blog. So I'm passing along this award to you!
The award calls for me to give to 8 recipients, but let's face it, I don't have that many blogs that I keep after, so I will just give it to Carmine, and then will also have some honorable mentions that I'd like to pass the award along to as well, even though I'm not as good at keeping up with these blogs... First Heather and her taste-testers at Mummies Yummies for her fabulous recipes that just keep on coming, she doesn't just share her own recipes, but pulls together favorites from other people and posts them as well, THANK YOU! And then I would also like to share Stretching a Buck with all of you... it's not a personal blog, but who can say someone's not being a friend when they're saving you money?! :)
So now you have to "pass it on"... Here are the rules:
These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbon of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
Congrats again to Carmine, and to Miss Ally, thank you VERY much, I would surely turn it around on you again, but alas, I think that might be against the rules! ;)
Totally agree about Mummies Yummies...must check out Stretching a Buck and of course, am now going to follow Carmine and her journey!!!
Welcome back to blogging...you've been missed.
OOooo Right Up My "Alli" got a facelift...LOVE IT!
Hey Lady, thanks for the honor! Now I have to find people to pass it along to!
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