This has been quite an adventure already! I can't wait to enter my second trimester. :) Our due date is January 2nd, 2010! A new years' baby! My Grampy Kelley (may he rest in peace) was born on Jan 3rd, 99 years ago, perhaps this little miracle will share his birthday!
We had been "not trying but not preventing" for about 9 months when we finally got the positive test in April. Very exciting, and terrifying! We found out on April 25th, a Saturday. I woke up at 6am because I had signed up to do the March for Babies Walk for March of Dimes, in Colorado Springs, with Nichole and Elisa and their little ones. Because we had a wedding to go to that evening, and I was "late", I decided to take a pregnancy test that morning. It was the 3rd test I'd taken in the last week, I assumed it would be negative like the others had been, and that my cycle was just as irregular as usual, however, when I was done brushing my teeth and washing my face, and glanced over to see what it said, I noticed there was no "Not" in front of "Pregnant"... !?!?! OMG! But it was too early to wake Ryan, so I just went to the Springs, did the walk, the whole time thinking "I'm pregnant?! OMG!"... so when I got home at around 1pm, I went and bought another pregnancy test and took it, just to be sure... and voila, also positive! So that's when I told Ryan. He was in the shower and I bombarded him. HA! We then had to come up with a plan for how to avoid adult beverages at the wedding that night!
It's been quite a ride so far. We didn't know when we had conceived, so we went for our first prenatal appointment on May 8th, they did an ultrasound and found us to be only 5 weeks 6 days along, and gave us the due date of Jan 2nd. We then went back for a second appointment on May 19th to ensure things were still on track, and they were! So at that point we were 7 weeks 3 days along. We had our last appointment last Tuesday, on June 16th at 11w3d and heard the heartbeat! It was amazing! So speedy! It was about 175 bpm when she first found it, and then maxed out at around 186 bpm as we got more and more excited. :) So cool!
Anyways, that's our big news! Hopefully things continue to go well! We're already attached to the little buggar. :)
Welcome Baby Willi!

I'll be updating my family blogspace with Pregnancy notes, so this blog might just be a straight-up cut & paste from there when it's pregnancy-related. But maybe I'll share more of the gory details here... HA! We'll see! :)