So we started by removing an old dead bush that was in the back of the yard, and making a giant hole for a bush we love that was in our veg garden area.

Then came the very tough task of getting that GIANT bush dug up and moved... did I mention this is a pricker bush? OUCHIES!

We also dug up a rose bush that was in that veg area before moving the big doozie of a bush, because it kept pricking Ryan as he tried to dig... ha! So I moved that bad boy right away, and pulled up the Columbines around it while we were at it.

We finally got the giant Barberry bush up and moved to the back of the yard and I hope hope hope that it loves it's new home and thrives there eventually. I really love that bush and its coloring, so I hope to get many more seasons out of it.
Then, we tied up the trumpet vine plant that we have, to make it more of a "vertical element" as my MIL said... ha! And then had PLENTY of room to till the new veg area and plant some red bell peppers, hot banana peppers, jalapenos, cucumbers, and even have dared to put in a zucchini plant... note, we put it in a "sequestered" area by itself so it doesn't overtake everything else... :) I can't wait to make zucchini bread. mmmm.

What a day! We're beat, but man, it was worth it! How satisfying!!!